Shama District Assembly Receives David Worden And Other Officers from South-Molten, UK

David Worden, the Leader of North Devon District Council in the United Kingdom, has paid a working visit to the Shama District Assembly to strengthen the sister-city
relationship between the two districts. The visit was aimed at boosting the links between the districts to foster economic growth.
Mr Ebenezer Dadzie, the District Chief Executive told the Ghana News Agency in an interview that Shama was a historic town where the Europeans first landed, and the place the missionaries established a Catholic Church some 500 years ago.
He said the partnership sought to grow the human resources for the district in particular through educational exchange programmes and technological transfer.
The DCE added that it would also foster partnerships with industries for investment opportunities in the local economy which had many arable lands and a free-zone status.
Mr Dadzie said the relationship had been established since 2007, and the two districts had exchanged many ideas culminating in growth in the various sectors of the economy.

He prayed that Mr Worden’s visit would open another chapter for growth.
The Leader of North Devon District Council in the United Kingdom, would as part of the trip, visit industries such as the Roland Rice Factory in Anto, Marco Polo Tile Group Ghana Limited, Pra Estuary Citizens Beach, Fort Sebastien, Kakum National Park, Cape Coast Castle, Elmina Castle and Hans Cottage among others.

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