Shama District Celebrates 36th National Farmers Day,

‘Ensuring Agribusiness Development Under Covid-19 – Opportunities And Challenges’

The district chief executive, Hon. Joseph Amoah through the district agric directorate at the district level joined the entire country in compliance to the national calendar to celebrate and honor our hard working farmers.

Shama district held this year’s special occasion in one of the notable farming communities in the district, ABOTARE YIE.

With the current worldwide pandemic and its negative effect on almost every sector of the country’s economy, it is of much interest to commend our astute farmers for adequately feeding the country.

The Hon. DCE in his speech, commended government greatly for the overwhelming interventions and policies into the agric sector which has helped the country to be sufficient with food. He further reiterated that one cannot overlook the success chalked as a result of some of the government flagship programmes in the agriculture sector and this has helped to sustain the economy before and during the onset of COVID 19.

At the district level, as a result of the programme, Rice area under cultivation in 2019 increased from 1,837.5 metric tons to 3, 510 metric tons in 2020 depicting an increase of 91%.

Moreover, maize production increased from 910.8 metric tons in 2019 to 1,260 metric tons in 2020 showing an increased in production of 38.33%.

Similarly, Cassava production also recorded an improvement in cultivation from 7,600.0 metric tons in 2019 to 8,935.6 metric tons in 2020 showing an increase of 17.5%. At the national level, maize production from 1.8 MT/Ha in 2016 to 3.8 MT/Ha in 2019.  Rice yield has moved from 2.9 MT/Ha in 2016 to 3.8 MT/Ha.  Beneficiary farmers under PFJ has increased from 202,000 in 2017 to 1,183313 in 2019, out of which 746,948 are additional jobs created under the policy. 

It should be noted that the emphasis of Government is not only food crop production but equally on cash or tree production.

Consequently, under the Planting for Export and Rural Development programme, the Assembly has distributed 13,000 improved palm seedlings at Graveldo.  Also, 12,000 improved hybrid

coconut seedlings are being distributed at Graveldo and Apemanyin under the planting for Export and Rural Development programme.

Additionally, the Western regional minister’s special initiative of nursing over one million (1,000, 000) coconut seedlings in the Shama district for distribution to farmers in selected areas in the region, and this is another remarkable achievement at the regional level.

According to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana is officially self -sufficient in maize. In his engagement with the press a couple of days ago, the Minister informed the nation that through the various agriculture interventions, such as PFJ, PERD, rearing for food and jobs, etc., Ghana is becoming the breadbasket of the West African sub-region.  This has paved the way for Government to reduce food imports and increase food exports. 

Further intervention of government which will provide opportunities for our cherished farmers include upscale the production of planting materials by research institutions for distribution to farmers through MMDCE’s, upscale the production of and processing of livestock and poultry.  Government will also ensure value addition of agriculture produce by processing them locally.  In this regard, government through the Rural Enterprise Programme is establishing a cassava processing plant under the 1D1F Enable Youth initiative in selected districts including Shama to ensure that cassava that farmers get value for their effort.

Coconut and oil palm seedlings will continue to be distributed to farmers in the coming years. 

It is worthy to note that the Fishing sector in the District has seen an increased in the supply of Premix fuel and distribution of out-board motors to the landing beaches, canoe owners and Chief fishermen.

As part of measures to contain the spread of COVID -19 in the District, the Assembly distributed Personal Protective Equipment such as nose masks, hand sanitizers, Veronica bucket among others to our Farmers and Fishermen to ensure their safety while working for mother Ghana.

COVID-19 has placed a severe challenge to all food producers but it has also offered us an opportunity to re-think our supply chain and create a more resilient and sustainable food production system for the future.

Indeed our farmers and fishermen  have  been our backbone of the nation and on a day like this, as we honor you, I would like to urge you to take advantage of the numerous interventions and programmes to increase your production especially by complying with all education given out by the extension officers to ensure a good harvest.

Farmers and fishermen can be said to be our frontline partners in the fight against COVID 19. Their produce is needed to ensure a healthy and nourished population.

We salute you for your commitment, dedication and sacrifice to our motherland. We applaud you for surmounting all the challenges faced during this pandemic. Your daily toil, sacrifices under this trying condition has sustained the country’s agribusiness by putting food on our table and this cannot be underestimated.

In attendance for this year’s celebration were the DCE, Nananom of the Shama traditional area, farmers, the presiding member, all assembly members, all staffs of the district assembly, citizens of Shama district, the media, reps of the state security agencies, reps of the various government and non-governmental institutions in the district.

This year saw eleven (11) awardees. As part of the DCE’s innovation towards this year’s celebration, He introduced a new category, the DCE’s special award to honor a farmer and a fisherman to supplement the district overall best farmer.

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